Congratulations! ​I want to take a moment and truly congratulate you on having the courage to acknowledge that the journey as a Non-ADHD Partner is not easy. I hope you find value in the Measuring Stick worksheet.
Remember, this is truly a journey, this is just the first step towards taking back the starring role in your life. ​You are more than your relationship.
​ADHD Partners: The Path to Embracing Life and Awakening Personal Power is now available on Amazon
Living with ADHD has been described as living with a race car brain.
It’s no wonder that Non-ADHD Partners often feel like they have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake.
How do you manage this gear-grinding feeling?
Stay Focused on Taking Action. Stay Remarkable. Stay Tenacious.
Relationships are rewarding and challenging in the best of circumstances. When your Partner has ADHD, it adds an unexpected dimension with a wide range of unknowns.
This book focuses on the challenges commonly experienced by the Non-ADHD Partner in the relationship. The author breaks down your relationship into four sections – or quadrants – which allows you to work through this overwhelming topic in manageable bite sized pieces.
This book is not your typical book about your partner’s ADHD. It is not even about ADHD…. although it is packed with information on how ADHD shows up in relationships.
This book is for you, the Non-ADHD Partner.
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